Why trust us?

BrokerChooser is an unbiased brokerage comparison site, which means our experts analyze brokers year-around based on hundreds of data points, professional experience, and on customer needs. We don’t treat brokers differently that pay for reviews, we never did and we never will. In fact, the brokers we do get revenue from are not necessarily the ones we recommend to our users. We are interested in helping you in your investment or trading journey.

Millions of financially conscious people seek guidance at BrokerChooser every year from all over the world. Their feedback constantly helps us improve our product.

We have been helping people invest since 2016

Check our impact in numbers:

12 million +

users have visited our website

15,000 +

users opened a brokerage account with our help

Read about our unique methodology here.

User feedbacks

Below you can read some of the feedbacks from happy BrokerChooser clients:

Tim Fowlds image
“I decided on opening an account based on your comparison and intelligent tailoring of services to requirements. I can confirm that your description and comparative opinion seems to be accurate in every respect. Thank you for your service.”
Tim Fowlds

We highly appreciate our customers’ feedback. We truly believe that we can learn a lot from them, so we are always open for a dialogue: [email protected]

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