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ETF trading at TradeStation

Your expert
Adam N.
Fact checked by
Dec 2024
Personally tested

Can you buy ETFs at TradeStation?

ETFs, short for exchange-traded funds, are one of the greatest means to diversify your investments and profit from a bull market. Despite their immense popularity, not all brokers offer ETFs for trading. Let's find out whether you can trade these funds at TradeStation, and if yes, under what conditions.

Great news, ETF trading is available at TradeStation, under good conditions and with a great selection of available funds. Read on for more expert details on trading costs and comparisons to other market-leading brokers.

TradeStation is great for ETF trading
Adam Nasli
Trading • Safety • Market Analysis

I've tested dozens of brokers in recent years with our analyst team, including their ETF trading features. Here's why I recommend TradeStation for trading ETFs:

  • TradeStation has a strong ETF trading score based on fees and available products.
  • ETF trading fees at TradeStation are low.
  • You can invest in 3,000 ETFs at TradeStation.
  • Check out how TradeStation stacks up against the best brorkers for trading ETFs.

Before we begin, let's see if TradeStation is available in your country

Yes, you can open an account at TradeStation if you live in the United States!
Overall score
Minimum deposit
Stock fee
Options fee
Inactivity fee
Account opening
1 day
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TradeStation has a strong ETF trading score

Want to know if TradeStation is a solid choice for trading ETFs? We broke it all down into a simple ETF score to help you decide. We looked at the trading fees they charge, how many different ETFs you can actually invest in through them, and just how good their overall services really are.

TradeStation ended up with a strong ETF score of 4.0 stars . That's definitely above average compared to other brokers we've reviewed for ETF trading. Let us break it down a bit and and take a look at how TradeStation stacks up against some of its closest competitors:

ETF score
Interactive Brokers
TradeStation ETF score vs selected competitors

ETFs are great tools to diversify your investments and profit from a range of assets, including stocks, bonds, commodities and real estate. If you feel you need to brush up your ETF trading skills, take a look at this ETF trading guide compiled by our analyst team.

ETF trading fees at TradeStation are low

Fees are how brokers make their money at the end of the day. But here's the kicker - the charges can vary significantly between different brokers. One broker's fees could really nickel and dime you, while another might give you way better rates. Why all this obsession over fees?

Here's why. Let's say you want to invest $10,000 in an ETF that tracks the S&P 500. Broker A charges $4.95 per trade, while Broker B charges $6.95 per trade. That may not seem like a huge difference, but it adds up over time with repeated purchases or sales. If you invest just once per year for 30 years and pay those trading fees each time, you'd pay almost $1,500 more in total fees at Broker B versus Broker A. So while a few dollars per trade may seem trivial, they can significantly impact your overall returns when investing for the long haul.

TradeStation has low costs for trading ETFs.
TradeStation main fees and features
💰 TradeStation ETF trading fees class Low
💰 TradeStation withdrawal fee $0
💰 TradeStation minimum deposit $0
💰 TradeStation inactivity fee Yes
📃 TradeStation deposit methods Bank transfer

Data updated on December 18, 2024

ETF selection at TradeStation

Let's take a close look at the ETFs offered by TradeStation. We want to see if their selection is good enough to meet the needs of different types of investors.

There are 3,000 ETFs available at TradeStation, which is a vast amount to choose from. With this selection, you can more easily diversify your portfolio and spread your money across different areas.

You can initiate your ETF trades at TradeStation using the order panel.

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Check out TradeStation in detail and browse top alternatives

Want the inside scoop on what it's really like to trade with TradeStation? Be sure to read BrokerChooser's TradeStation review for 2025. We've done a super thorough analysis based on nearly 600 different data points and tested their platform ourselves with a real money account. By actually opening an account and making trades, we can give you the unvarnished truth about their trading conditions, fees, and overall service quality across the board. It's an honest, experienced take on TradeStation instead of just marketing fluff.

Although TradeStation is great for ETF trading, there could be even better options out there. See for yourself by browsing our top list of the best ETF brokers in your country.

Alternatively, if you want a broader comparison or have some specific other brokers in mind, you can use our broker comparison tool to size up brokers along many different criteria.

Check out this short video for a behind-the-scenes peek into how our experts personally test and evaluate brokers.

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Further reading

Everything you find on BrokerChooser is based on reliable data and unbiased information. We combine our 10+ years finance experience with readers feedback. Read more about our methodology.

Adam Nasli
Author of this article
I bring extensive financial expertise as one of BrokerChooser's earliest team members. Personally, I tested nearly all 100+ brokers on our site, opening real-money accounts, executing trades, assessing customer services, and providing firsthand assessment. My professional background includes roles in the banking sector and a degree from Central European University, where I teach finance. My passions lies in in-depth research of the financial industry, building trading algorithms, and managing long-term investments.
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