Investor Protection - How It Protects You

Written by
Gergely K.
Fact checked by
Adam N.
Dec 2021
Investor Protection - How It Protects You

Investor Protection Definition

Investor protection means that up to a certain limit, you get your money back if the broker goes into bankruptcy or commits fraud. It is an important factor to consider when you open an account with an online broker. When you open a trading account at a brokerage, you usually get investor protection.

The investor protection amount defines the limit of protection and it can vary from country to country. In Europe the amount of investor protection is usually €20,000, while in the US it is significantly higher, at $500,000. However, some other countries, like Australia, do not provide any investor protection at all.

The investor protection amount is usually guaranteed by a state fund.

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Author of this article

Gergely Korpos

Co-Founder, CPO | Equity • Community Trader • Financial Market

With over a decade of experience in financial markets, I've executed thousands of trades as both a commodity trader and an equity portfolio manager. I have hands-on experience in opening accounts with the brokers that are listed on BrokerChooser. As the co-founder and Chief Product Officer (CPO) of BrokerChooser, my mission is to demystify personal investing for all.

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