Marketable Securities

Written by
Jake A.
Fact checked by
Adam N.
Apr 2024

 Marketable securities are exchangeable and divisible financial instruments that can be bought and sold on public exchanges. The following table contains the most common examples of marketable securities. 

Types of marketable securities



Common Stock 

Treasury Bills (T-Bills)

Preferred stock 

Short-term company bonds

Marketable securities are highly liquid assets and are broken down into two important categories: debt and equity. Equity normally covers stocks that provide voting rights (and occasionally pay dividens), while the most important instruments in the debt category are bonds. Hybridid securities like convertible bonds are between the two.

As the name suggests, non-marketable securities cannot be traded on major exchanges.

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Jake Asmah
Author of this article
Jake is a former Content Editor Intern for BrokerChooser. He has experience working in freelancing and content writing. He studied sociology, learning to understand people as he improved upon his writing craft. Living in Hungary has given him much experience he will take to the world.
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