Why choose TradeZero
TradeZero is a global stock broker, offering low trading and non-trading fees.
Account opening is fully online, straightforward and quick, and it has great education materials and customer service. It is a good choice for beginner investors.
Among some negatives, TradeZero offers no bank card option for deposit and withdrawal. In addition, its product portfolio is limited only to stocks, ETFs and options.
BrokerChooser gave TradeZero a 4.0/5 rating based on analyzing 600+ criteria and testing via opening a live account.
- Low stock and ETF fees
- Quick and easy account opening
- Excellent education and customer support
Not sure if this is the right broker for you? See the best ones.
See how the best brokers in the United States compare to TradeZero
- Low non-trading fees
- No inactivity fee
- Low stock and ETF fees. Commission-free limit orders above 200 shares.
We compared TradeZero's fees with two similar brokers we selected, Interactive Brokers and tastytrade. These competitors were selected based on objective factors like products offered, client profile, fee structure, etc. See a more detailed comparison of TradeZero alternatives.
Low stock and ETF commission
TradeZero US stock fees are less than half of the industry average. US stock fees are calculated as follows: $0.99 flat fee for orders of up to 200 shares, $0.005 per share above that. Limit orders that are 200 shares or greater are free.
Broker | US stock |
TradeZero | $1.0 |
Interactive Brokers | $1.0 |
tastytrade | $0.0 |
Average margin rates
TradeZero USD margin rate fees are slightly lower than the industry average. USD margin rate fees are calculated as follows: 9% annual charge
Broker | USD margin rate |
TradeZero | 9.0% |
Interactive Brokers | 6.1% |
tastytrade | 11.0% |
Low options commission
TradeZero US stock index options fees are about half of the industry average. US stock index options fees are calculated as follows: $0.59 per contract
Broker | US stock index options |
TradeZero | $5.9 |
Interactive Brokers | $6.5 |
tastytrade | $5.0 |
No inactivity fee, average withdrawal fee
There is no inactivity fee - similarly to most competitors - but TradeZero charges a $15 deposit and withdrawal fee.
Broker | Inactivity fee | Withdrawal fee |
TradeZero | $15 | |
Interactive Brokers | $0 | |
tastytrade | $0 |
Check out a detailed analysis of all the fees, commissions, and other charges levied by TradeZero for more information.
- Top-tier US & Canada regulation
- High protection to US & Canadian customers
Deposit and withdrawal
- User-friendly
- Initial deposits are free of charge
Account opening
- Fast
- Fully digital
- User-friendly
Mobile app
- User-friendly
- Good search function
- Good variety of order types
Desktop platform
- Clear fee report
- Good customizability (for charts, workspace)
- Good variety of order types
Product selection
Everything you find on BrokerChooser is based on reliable data and unbiased information. We combine our 10+ years finance experience with readers feedback. Read more about our methodology.