Thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies and building a diverse portfolio, maybe beyond just Bitcoin? Wondering whether you can trade actual crypto on the spot market at RBC Direct Investing? We've got you covered: our team of brokerage experts did the research for you and here's what they found.
Unfortunately, you cannot trade any spot crypto at RBC Direct Investing. Check out our list of the best crypto brokers to find a suitable alternative.

So how did we compile our toplist for the best crypto brokers? Our expert team of analysts looked at hundreds of features and data points at 100+ online brokers to see which ones offer the most crypto coins, have the lowest trading fees, other features like crypto wallets, and in general the most user-friendly trading platforms.
Check out this short video for a behind-the-scenes peek into how our experts personally test and evaluate brokers.
Everything you find on BrokerChooser is based on reliable data and unbiased information. We combine our 10+ years finance experience with readers feedback. Read more about our methodology.