API stands for Application Programming Interface (API). In the simplest terms, it is a software application that allows two unrelated systems (your brokerage account and the application you’ve built) to interact with each other. APIs have become pretty popular in the world of algorithmic trading and among forex and CFD traders.
Trading APIs have gained a strong foothold in the investment world and more sophisticated traders rely on them to execute trades.
If you come up with a complex trading strategy that needs automation, you most probably will need to build an API and find a broker that supports them. Once you are done with the coding, you will have your own customized platform that can be connected to the broker’s back-end system. Thus you will be able to place orders, execute trades, access live market prices and historical data through your own interface. If you are contemplating building your own trading API, read our step-by-step guide on how you should approach the task.
A well-built API guarantees immediate trade execution and comprehensive risk management tools. At the same time, they come with their own risks and require a certain amount of specific skill and constant maintenance.
APIs are typically used by institutional clients and brokers but many retail investors with programming knowledge have started relying on these applications.
If you do not wish to build your own API, you can select a broker that provides APIs to its clients. Unfortunately, Plus500 does not offer APIs and automated trading on their platform.
If you are intent on using APIs in your investment journey, you may want to find a broker that supports these applications. Head over to this article to see the best brokers that support APIs. Alternatively, check out our comprehensive Find My Broker tool to see which broker fits your needs best or compare Plus500 alternatives on our Compare Broker page for a detailed breakdown and ranking of fees, products and services.
Further reading:
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