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Interactive Investor stock fees

Your expert
Adam N.
Fact checked by
Dec 2024
Personally tested

Are stock trading fees low at Interactive Investor as of December 2024?

Stock trading fees at Interactive Investor are considered average rather than low.

See the table below for stock trading fees at Interactive Investor for a $2,000 position on different exchanges:

Interactive Investor stock trading fees
Stock exchange Commission
US $5.0
UK $5.0
Germany $12.6

Data updated on December 18, 2024

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Adam Nasli
Author of this article
I bring extensive financial expertise as one of BrokerChooser's earliest team members. Personally, I tested nearly all 100+ brokers on our site, opening real-money accounts, executing trades, assessing customer services, and providing firsthand assessment. My professional background includes roles in the banking sector and a degree from Central European University, where I teach finance. My passions lies in in-depth research of the financial industry, building trading algorithms, and managing long-term investments.
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