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Hargreaves Lansdown Customer Service

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Adam N.
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Hargreaves Lansdown customer service

When you contact a broker, whether you are a beginner investor or an experienced trader, you’ll be looking for customer service that is fast and truly helpful. These qualities, in turn, will depend on the range of available channels and the relevance of their responses.

To be able to tell at a glance what you should expect from Hargreaves Lansdown’s customer service, we collected the following must-know information.

If you want to read our full review, including fees, deposit options and other platforms (like web and desktop) then skip to the Hargreaves Lansdown review.

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Check out our summary on Hargreaves Lansdown’s customer service compared with similar brokers, Interactive Investor and AJ Bell Youinvest.

Hargreaves Lansdown customer service vs. similar brokers
UK-based stockbroker UK stockbroker UK discount broker
How fast was customer support when we tried?
Fast OK Fast
Quality of Customer service answers
Good Good Good
Live chat available
No No Yes
Phone available
Yes Yes Yes
Email available
Yes Yes Yes
24/7 availability
No No No

Let's continue with a more detailed description of Hargreaves Lansdown’s customer service features.

BrokerChooser score
4.2 4.2 /5
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Available customer service channels at Hargreaves Lansdown

One of the most essential components of a well-functioning customer service is the number of channels through which you can reach out for help. Usually, the more communication platforms there are, the more likely it is that somebody will answer your questions in time.

You can get in touch with Hargreaves Lansdown in the following ways.

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Please note that Hargreaves Lansdown is not available 24/7, so keep that in mind before reaching out for help with an issue that needs an immediate response.

    Hargreaves Lansdown customer service quality

    We define the quality of a broker's customer service based on its response speed (e.g. if they answer the phone within a few minutes, it counts as quick, but if they make you wait a lot, that’s considered a poor response speed) and their response relevance (i.e. whether they provide a clear answer to your questions or an ambiguous one that needs further clarification).

    Response speed at Hargreaves Lansdown


    On the phone, Hargreaves Lansdown is real quick. They’re at your disposal within a minute, so prepare your questions in advance.


    No worries! Hargreaves Lansdown will answer your email in a short amount of time, usually within a day.

    Response relevance at Hargreaves Lansdown


    On the phone Hargreaves Lansdown provides all the necessary information in an easily comprehensible way, paying attention to your concerns and giving the right answers.


    You’re in the right place for further information. Via email, Hargreaves Lansdown provides you with all the necessary answers to your questions, getting back to you with a detailed and clear summary.

    Hargreaves Lansdown customer service bottomline

    Overall, Hargreaves Lansdown's customer service could be improved in multiple areas. To check out how similar brokers fare compared with Hargreaves Lansdown, use our broker comparison tool here.

    Check out this short video for a behind-the-scenes peek into how our experts personally test and evaluate brokers.

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    Author of this article

    Adam Nasli

    Financial Wizard | Trading • Safety • Market Analysis

    I bring extensive financial expertise as one of BrokerChooser's earliest team members. Personally, I tested nearly all 100+ brokers on our site, opening real-money accounts, executing trades, assessing customer services, and providing firsthand assessment. My professional background includes roles in the banking sector and a degree from Central European University, where I teach finance. My passions lies in in-depth research of the financial industry, building trading algorithms, and managing long-term investments.

    Everything you find on BrokerChooser is based on reliable data and unbiased information. We combine our 10+ years finance experience with readers feedback. Read more about our methodology.

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