Can I have two or more DEGIRO accounts?
Yes, it is possible to have multiple accounts with DEGIRO . You can use the same registration details and e-mail address for multiple accounts, but you have to choose another username for the second account.
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Investing involves risks
How to open more than one account on DEGIRO
Opening your second and consecutive accounts works the same way as you registered your first one. You may use the same personal details and e-mail address with a different username for registration.
Why would you want multiple accounts on DEGIRO?
In our analysis that doesn't make sense, but psychologically it might be easier to separate a savings account from a trading account with having multiple DEGIRO accounts.
Are there any major risks of having multiple DEGIRO accounts?
No, there are no major difference in terms of risks between having one or multiple DEGIRO accounts. The reason being is that eventually the account holder bears all risks which will be you in any of these cases.
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Investing involves risks
DEGIRO further reading:
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